Its ALL About OLYMPIADS (Students must read)


OLYMPIAD or INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD.........These are not new words now a days.

Almost every student especially the students of major cities are very much aware about this word but this word may be new for the students of village areas, so today let me tell you about this word.

What is Olympiad Examination?
Olympiad examinations at school level are competitive examination, based on the school syllabus, which are conducted through various independent organizations. These exams give exposure to students about completions and make them ready to face any challenge that would be thrown open to them in the future.
At international level its a gift for secondary and higher secondary students of the world as it provides a  friendly competition of the highest level. The Olympiads do not lead directly to any career benefits; rather, they provide a stimulus to begin a career in science or mathematics.
The Olympiads are not only competitions, they are the meeting places of the brightest young minds of the world. 

Who conduct these exams?
There are many Olympiad Examinations are happening all across the year. These exams are conducted through various organizations and most of these exams are conducted through schools only. In other words, if your school in not participating, you will not be able to take part in these exams.

Some of the conducting bodies are-

Unified Council
Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
Silver Zone
Brilliant Zone
Eduheal Foundation

Here i would like to tell you about the olympiad conductiong through HBCSE as its a government body of INDIA which conduct Olympiad exams.

The Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education is the nodal centre of the country which conduct A major national Olympiad programme in basic sciences and mathematics  The programme aims at promoting excellence in science and mathematics among pre-university students.

Among the sciences, the Olympiad programme in Astronomy (junior and senior level), Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics is a five stage process for each subject separately. The first stage for each subject is organized by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) in collaboration with teacher associations in other subjects. All the remaining  stages are organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE).
The Mathematics Olympiad is conducted under the aegis of the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM).

The National Science Olympiad starts with an examination held at nearly 1400 schools across the country and culminates with the international Olympiads at different corners of the world. The national level examinations are designed to assess the conceptual understanding, logical reasoning, laboratory skills, and above all, ability to apply problem-solving skills to novel situations, both theoretical and experimental. Training is included from the third stage of the programme and the first two stages do not necessarily require any specialised coaching outside the regular school system.

Stage 1:

The first stage examination, the National Standard Examination (NSE) is the organisational responsibility of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). The academic responsibility for Chemistry and Biology rests with the Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) and the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS) respectively, while Physics, Astronomy and Junior Science are handled by IAPT itself. The NSEs are tests with objective type questions and are offered in English and Hindi, with additional languages also available in Physics. The syllabus is broadly equivalent to up to Class XII (for Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Class X (for Junior Science) of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). However, the questions in all levels of Olympiads (including NSEs) may be expected to be of a higher difficulty level than the board examinations. These examinations are held close to the end of November every year at nearly 1400 centres across the nation. Students can register for this preliminary stage at their own schools. The registration fee is Rs 100, which is the only fee that the student has to pay in the entire process up to the International Olympiads.

Stage 2:

The best-performing students from the NSEs (approximately 300 in each subject) qualify for the second stage — the Indian National Olympiads (INOs). The responsibility of the programme from this stage onwards lies with HBCSE. The INOs are held in late January at around 18 centres across the country. The syllabus is same as that of the NSEs. The tests consist of objective as well as long questions.

Stage 3:

The top students from the INOs (approximately 35 in each subject) are invited for the third stage, the Orientation-cum-Selection Camps (OCSCs) held at HBCSE during April to June. At these camps orientation is provided to students for Olympiad level of theoretical, experimental and observational (for astronomy) tasks. Emphasis is laid on developing conceptual foundations and problem-solving skills. Students are exposed to innovative experiments with focus on conceptual and procedural understanding in experimental science. In astronomy, students are trained in basic notions in astrophysics, astronomical data analysis and night sky observations. Several theoretical and experimental/observational tests are held during the camp. On the basis of performance in these tests, few students (numbers specified below) are selected to represent India at the international Olympiads.

Stage 4:

The selected Indian teams undergo a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment and in case of astronomy, observational astronomy prior to their departure for the international Olympiads. Special laboratories have been developed in HBCSE for this purpose. Resource persons from different institutions across the country are invited to the training camps.

Stage 5:

The Olympiad programme culminates with the participation of the Indian students (4-6 in each subject) in the International Olympiads. The students are accompanied by 2-4 teachers or mentors. Almost every Indian student who has participated in the Science and Astronomy Olympiads has returned with a medal. 

The Mathematical Olympiad Programme in India, which leads to participation of Indian students in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is organized by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. This programme is one of the major initiatives undertaken by the NBHM. Its main purpose is to spot mathematical talent among pre-university students in the country.
For the purpose of training and selection of students for the Olympiad contest, 25 regions all over the country have been designated and each assigned a Regional Coordinator (RC). Additionally, three groups (Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) and Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathana (KVS) have a ‘Regional Coordinator’ each. The Mathematical Olympiad programme consists of five stages.

Stage 1:

The first stage examination, the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) is a three hour examination with six problems. The RMOs are offered in English, Hindi and other regional languages as deemed appropriate by the respective RCs. The syllabus may be found at (give syllabus link). The problems under each topic involve high level of difficulty and sophistication.

Stage 2:

The best-perfroming students from the RMO (approximately 900) qualify for the second stage – the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO). The INMO is held on the third Sunday of January at 28 centres across the country.

Stage 3:

The top students from the RMO (approximately 35) are invited for the third stage, the International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) held at HBCSE during April to May. At this camp orientation is provided to students for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). Emphasis is laid on developing conceptual foundations and problem-solving skills. Several selection tests are held during this camp. On the basis of perfromance in these tests six students are selected to represent India at the IMO. Resource persons from different institutions across the country are invited to the training camps.

Stage 4:

The selected team undergoes a rigorous training programme for about 8-10 days at HBCSE prior to its departure for the IMO.

Stage 5:

The Olympiad programme culminates with the participation of the students in the IMO. The students are accompanied by 4 teachers or mentors.

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